Posts Tagged ‘Police’

This vs. That

July 5, 2010

It’s been a while since I’ve posted… I have this thing where if someone is going to have to suffer through my writing I feel I should write something intelligent or amusing so that their time is not completely wasted, so most times I just feel like I don’t have anything worth sharing. I think this is why I dislike Twitter. I don’t care what someone is having for lunch, or how the rain makes them feel and I don’t understand why they believe such information is worth sharing. Then again, even if someone doesn’t care about the information, they’re still reading it.

Then when there is something worth sharing, I have a fear of offending someone. I was on the streets of Toronto when the fence was going up, when traffic was disrupted and when police officers were guarding street corners.  The fence and the police definitely set a very different tone to the usually vibrant and busy streets. Watching the news, reading stories online, the clashes between protesters and police officers were so disheartening. Watching YouTube videos made me so angry it brought tears to my eyes to see how officers handled peaceful protests.

Today was the Gay Pride Parade and some hope that this event will act as a band-aid between the police and the public, but I hope it doesn’t. I don’t want it to. I want the police to be accountable for their actions against peaceful protests. I want the police to be accountable for not protecting the store fronts of 40+ shops along Yonge Street. I want the police to be accountable to the people they serve. I want answers, explanations and justifications for lies, actions and inactions. I don’t want a band-aid.

I want to know the difference between this Black Bloc,

and this one.

I want to know the difference between this reporter,

and this one.

I want to know the difference between protecting these people,

and these ones.

I just want to know…